Pest Inspection Services for Moving House
You've got a lot on your plate when moving house, but, a pest inspection is one of the most important things you can do before making the next move.

When it’s time to move, you need to leave your old home spotless, and that usually means ensuring that you are up-to-date with the pest management of the property. As each property is unique, and there are varying environmental factors that vary suburb to suburb and state to state, you need to know that the specialist you employ for the task is knowledgeable, qualified and reputable.
When looking for a service provider to undertake a safe and effective product, you should focus on the solidity of the business in the market place because if there are problems in the future, they are in a position to rectify them by having sufficient licenses, warranties and insurance cover. Check that they are well established or have a solid local reputation and that they are a member of a recognised Pest Control Association. Test their expertise by asking about different types of pests and treatment options that you can compare when talking to other service providers.
Ultimately, we don’t want pests in our homes because they can be damaging to structures, harm us, cause disease or encourage filth - but we need to consider the impact of this service on our immediate health, the health of pets and the environment we are in charge of.
The basic difference between these techniques of pest elimination is:
- An extermination procedure aims to fumigate the pests to death with chemicals which are often invasive. Exterminate literally means to ‘erase from existence’, however in reality this rarely occurs in the long-term, which is why other methods are favoured in modern times. It is also not good for our environment or our fragile eco-systems.
- Pest control aims to manage the pests throughout a lifecycle in ways that respect the environment inside and outside for long-term solutions. In the event that chemicals are required they use alternatives that are not damaging to the occupants or the environment. The Pest Controller may also be more specific in their knowledge of each insect, rodent, bird or mammal they are managing, their behaviours, motivations and how best to move them out of your habitat with as minimal impact as possible.
Each and every type of creature is living there for an individual reason, justlikeyouinfact,and each ‘squatter’ will be compelled to move along in different and individual ways according to their nature and their needs.
There are a couple of different reasons you may need to engage with this type of service, and also varying levels of services may be required depending on the condition of the property in relation to pests. You may be just looking to have a seasonal pest maintenance service, you may need help with a specific invasive pest such as birds or possums, or more seriously, you may have structural or electrical damage that needs careful and considered management to provide a pathway to repair.
A Pest Control professional will travel to the property and perform a pre-liminary assessment in accordance with the service you are seeking. This will give them the time and consideration to formulate a pest control action plan, understand what products they will need, estimate the time it will take to complete according to the size of the property, identify any structural or electrical damage that may be of risk, search for nests or colonies, inspect fenced boundaries and additional outdoor structures, and estimate the cost of the services required.
Once they have completed this assessment, they can design an integrated pest control plan, create pest barriers to entry, apply pesticide and if necessary, set baits or traps.
Some pests you may come across may be:
- Cockroaches;
- Bedbugs;
- Termites;
- Ants;
- Spiders;
- Silverfish;
- Fleas;
- Moths;
- Rats;
- Mice;
- Bats;
- Birds;
- Other wildlife, such as possums or snakes.
Pest Controllers are generally available to meet your schedule. As they are often exposed to chemicals, they may wear certain protective equipment such as respirators, gloves and/or goggles.
As you are moving, it’s likely that you will book this service for either before you move stuff to your new place (if you are not satisfied it has been performed), or after you have moved the stuff out of your old place. Therefore, it should be fairly easy to prepare the property for the Pest Controller.
Some pest services provide a list of specific steps they require you to perform in order to complete the service to its full effectiveness so as to be eligible for any warranties they may offer. In some cases, Pest Controllers may refuse to treat areas that have not been prepared to their standards because it may render the treatment completely useless or unsafe to perform.
The presence of pests will increase as the temperate warms, they will be breeding faster and waking up from their winter dormancy.
For a major pest control treatment at the end of a lease or when moving in or out of any of a property can typically cost more than the average monthly, quarterly or 6-monthly treatment.
If your property is exceedingly large or there are critical pest issues to contend with you may be up for $500 or more.
However, if there has been regular maintenance it’s likely it won’t cost you too much more than the regular costs:
- Monthly approx. $50 - $70
- Quarterly approx. $65 - $90
- 6-Monthly approx. $100 - $300
The last thing you want when you move is to open the pantry and find cockroaches, or find a family of rats in the ceiling. Nor does the person following you into your old place, you wouldn’t like themcursing your living memory for leaving them “filth” to deal with, and it really is the most common of courtesy’s in the world of property movement. It’s like an ethical boundary that ensures most people are happy to endure the extra costs so that you can rock up at the new place and not have to share the shower with spiders, ants or worse!
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