Migration Data Insights

We publish a range of data that help to better understand migration trends across Australia as they happen.

MuveRank Area Rankings

MuveRank is a first-of-its-kind, 'real time' ranking of areas of Australia in terms of their net migration, in migration, and out migration, developed in collaboration with population geographers at The University of Queensland.

"Migration data is critical, but we have been stuck in a data deficit. This kind of timely data, presented in such a simple, accessible format, is what we have been missing. Before our analysis of Muval's anonymised data, there wasn’t a way to get frequent, up-to-date estimates of where Australians were moving now. This important piece of the puzzle is vital for governments at every level to understand what is happening in their area to make better estimates and plan better for the future."

Muval Index

The Muval Index is our annual report that explores the "where" and "why" driving migration in Australia. The report analysis Muval enquiry data, as well as a representative sample survey of the Australian population.

View the latest Muval Index

Average Price Guide

Aggregated across tens-of-thousands of moves and hundreds-of-thousands of quotes, we benchmark where average pricing sits across the removals industry in order to help make pricing more transparent.

View our price calculator

All names are de-indentified for privacy reasons.


Term Meaning
Net migration The total number of people who moved in to an area, minus the total number who moved out.
In migration The total number of people who moved in to an area.
Out migration The total number of people who moved out of an area.
SA4 SA4 stands for "Statistical Area 4" and refers to geographical area defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics that provide a standardised regional breakdown of Australia. You can view a map of the SA4 boundaries here. We use SA4s to ensure an appropriate level of statistical significance.
Real time Most migration statistics and analyses are based on data that are at least 12-24 months old. Our data is considered "real time" because we update it on a quarterly basis, enabling trends to be tracked and understood as they occur.
Percentage share net flow The percentage of the overall net migration that belongs to that particular area.

Latest Data News

The latest news involving our data and insights

Press Releases

Download recent press releases relating to Muval's data.

  1. April 29, 2024

    Online Removalist Platform Creates Australian-First Real-Time Movement Rank for Australian Towns and Cities

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  2. December 11, 2023

    Australia Swept By Wave Of Couch Surfing, Money Migration And Work Moves

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  3. November 30, 2023

    Muval Migration Data Up To The End Of November 2023

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  4. November 13, 2022

    Australian Moving Season Is Underway

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Nothing contained in the data, tools, charts, reports, downloads or other information on this website constitutes advice. Access to the data, tools, charts, reports, downloads or other information is donated for academic and research purposes only. Users of this site must use their own judgement, knowledge and expertise when deciding whether it is appropriate to apply this information to any particular scenario.
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The data, tools, charts, reports, downloads or other information do not guarantee any specific outcome, result or benefit, nor does their availability or publication give rise to any duty of care. They are not necessarily inclusive of all appropriate or possible approaches or solutions, or exclusive of others.
Muval Pty Ltd and its officers, employees and agents make no representations and give no warranties, express or implied, in relation to the data, tools, charts, reports, downloads or other information or their accuracy, currency, reliability or completeness, and accept no responsibility for their accuracy, currency, reliability or completeness.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, none of Muval Pty Ltd, its officers, employees or agents, nor any other person accepts any liability for any loss, claim, damages, costs or expenses of whatever nature (whether or not foreseeable) and howsoever caused, including, without limitation, any liability arising from fault or negligence on the part of any of them or any other person, for any loss arising from use of the data, tools, charts, reports, downloads or other information or otherwise arising in connection with any errors or omissions in them.


MuveRank rankings and the Average Price Guide are licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. Any use of this work must include proper attribution by linking back to the relevant page on the Muval website or to the Muval homepage (https://www.muval.com.au) with a hyperlink.